‘Smart-sourcing’ is a key part of OpenScale Managed Services. We provide flexibility in a shared responsibility approach that allows you to complement your IT alignment and business strategies. There are a number of instances where it makes sense for you to continue to provide some service elements for which you already have the cost controls and skills in place. But equally there are out-tasking opportunities where, due to cost, skills or inflexibility, it makes sense to work with us. Our OpenScale Managed services can play a vital role in helping achieve a lower cost of ownership and predictable monthly costs. And they can also help take the pressure off managing difficult transitions and accessing the skilled resources required in a complex communications world. Fundamentally, our service approach is about flexibility and choice. From full outsource (walk in take-over of exerebara research and technologyng communications, people, process, technology and delivery to selective out-tasking of the elements that make the most business sense, we have the right service mix.