Datacenter & Backup

Just like building a house, starting from the foundation, the system’s data storage is one of the most delicate process for the progress and success of any company or corporations. Is very essential and need for security for the service to be supported by modern technological infrastructure. Erebara Research and Technology Backup Bank is our full service online backup outsource formula. For many companies, outsourcing the backup task offers great advantages. Consider below features & benefits and decide whether or not Erebara Research and Technology Backup Bank fits your requirements.


Without great expense, equipment, maintenance, or workforce, backup service offers significant advantages. Erebara Research and Technology System provides safeguards not tolerate any leakage of information, ensuring the data in a datacenter high quality. In the future, when this business continues to grow, we will offer other solutions to expand the data network, and everything checked online by the official who gets access to data records. Replacement tape cassettes and the technology of the time will result more productive and will give assurances that we will be the last word of technology worldwide. Eleminating the risk for not losing data from a lifetime of effort, even if due to a natural or human adversities. You can rely entirely on the expertise and our defense was doing data to ensure business continuity.

WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE Erebara Research and Technology?

If you choose to trust Erebara Research and Technology you certified us installing a server that minimizes the maximum possibility of flow data. Trust us to preserve your reputation and all about the integrity of the data contained in the company or organization. Products are fully applicable to industry standards, ensure consistency in time and fast access to the system. Also, are able to use our knowledge to provide real technology and to adapt your exerebara research and technologyng infrastructure. If there is the case of suspect or think about the flow of information, since everything you need, “packaged” in a server who has transcribed the data stored in a predetermined space. Spaces will book to lay all the data is based on your needs, while others think of us. Erebara Research and Technology staff has the ability to control all information online. In this complex process guarantee that the materials will always be safe and will not be any loss on the road. Rapid modification, reduction of IT costs for the client and the most modern level of automation is provided in our service. You will be able to log into the distance in a virtual network to your servers for 365 days a year. While the amount of data you store is constantly expanding, the value of that data for business continuity is likewise ever increasing. Traditional backup methods are no longer adequate: they do not scale along with your increased data, they are not reliable and they take up too much of your system administrator’s time. Can you afford to keep a customer waiting for a quotation while the whole department shuts down for hours because a database has to be repaired? If this sounds like you, it is worth discovering the Erebara Research and Technology Online Backup solution. The Erebara Research and Technology Backup solution starts out from a couple of very simple principles: data loss is unacceptable, the backup must grow along with the quantity of data stored, and a backup must always be available to ensure fast data recovery. Finally, key to a successful backup, the restore time must be very short, so that any downtime is minimized. Erebara Research and Technology’s IP Backup is based on the principle
that not all of your data changes every day. In practice it turns out
that the quantity of a company’s data only changes by 0.1% to 0.5%
per day. Erebara Research and Technology’s advanced data reduction technology ensures that only
these daily changes have to be processed to make a full backup of all
your data daily or even several times per day. This efficient (and also
fast!) data reduction makes it possible to send the backup to a remote
location (e.g. a secure data centre) completely automatically via an 
IP connection (xDSL). Erebara Research and Technology’s reconnection mechanism is a unique
function. Where other products give an error message, Erebara Research and Technology’s solution
continues to work, even if your laptop has to switch to another network.
This is very important function if you are looking for a reliable backup.


For a centralized control from your office will not be spending the time
necessary because the data will come regulary and with maximum
precision. Centralized management enables receiving data from a
remote distance. The system is automated and managed online.
This technique eliminates manual administration, which would mean
that with a click can get the data you need, without checking km
browsing files or whole striped. The system provides accurate data
and reduces the maximum risk that the firms have information flow.


The more small to be your business, the more need to rely on
an accurate system and secure database. Packages for small
businesses are more efficient and offer multiple options. As the
stress and above Erebara Research and Technology system provides safeguards not tolerate any
leakage of information, ensuring the data in a “datacenter” high quality.


If you need flexibility and protecting your data, we offer a hybrid
system. This enables the system to fit all the programs established by
you, such as: Windows, VMware, Linux, UNIX, Oracle, SQL Server,
Microsoft Exchange, etc. These data are encrypted and can not be
transcribed. 365 days a year for security experts offer by Erebara Research and Technology we are
specialized to perform data modifications at the time requested by you.
Also, data can be modified online or in our laboratory and then send
them to the virtual path.


Traditional backup methods require user intervention, complicating the
backup process. Users may have to insert CDs into drives, change
tapes, or manually initiate the backup. In contrast, online backup
requires only a simple, one-time configuration. Online backup then
runs automatically according to the desired schedule, without any
need for user intervention.


When backed up online, data is automatically encrypted and
fingerprinted as soon as it leaves your local network. For even stronger
security, users can use a personal passphrase known only to you for
gaining access to data backups.


With traditional backup, backed up data is often stored in a single
location (for example, in a stack of CDs in your office). If backup media
are not taken off-site, a natural disaster at that location may destroy the
backup along with the original data. Online backup ensures that data
is stored in multiple locations, usually quite far from each other, and
protects if from local disasters such fires or floods.


When using traditional backup, users often choose to maintain only
the most recent version of their files, due to storage space limitations.
Online backup preserves multiple versions of your data, enabling you
to restore the version of your choice.


When using traditional backup, users must have access to the backup
medium in order to restore your data. Online backup, however, offers
multiple restore options, including restoring your data from anywhere
simply by using a Web browser to access backup versions of files.


Traditional media used for backup are prone to failure. Tapes, hard
drives, CD-Rs and DVD-Rs have a surprisingly high failure rate. Online
backup uses enterprise-grade infrastructure that is significantly more
reliable, with built-in redundancy across multiple locations.